Sunday, November 18, 2012

Waiting, waiting, waiting

Patience is a virtue that I long for more in my life.  I'm sure my mom would nod, smile and tell you how I have always been rather impatient.   If you struggle with patience, I suggest you adopt internationally.  We are currently waiting for the email that reads "you are to appear in court in Ethiopia...".  I find myself checking my email a ridiculous amount of times during the day, hoping to see that email sitting in the inbox.  In the meantime, we continue fundraising for our travel expenses, which of course, I should be thankful for the time we have to do this.  I also realize that because the match with our boys came through the "Waiting Child Program", we are still moving rather quickly for adopting from Ethiopia right now.  It has just changed things so much now that there are two little boys in a care center half a world away that we are so very ready to bring home.  I am aware that every day that goes by is one day more of their lives that we are missing.  I understand that this is totally common to most adoptive families.  It just doesn't change the reality of it in our lives.  It is remniscent of when I was in the latter part of pregnancy with the boys... I was consumed with all of the things I needed to get done around the house before the baby arrived, but I longed to see that face for the first time and hold that sweet thing in my arms.  I think this is just the way it should feel... we are excitedly awaiting the arrival of Titus and Elijah in our home, and they deserve to be eagerly longed for... and oh, they how are!

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